The interactive StudyGuide (iSG) is an e-book that comes with most courses in SUSS.
Written by the SUSS Faculty and Associate Faculty, the StudyGuide is designed to encourage students to interact with the subject through quizzes, activities, self-reflection and self-assessment.
The content in the StudyGuide is broken into bite-sized topics and organised into study units to be covered over the course of study.
It provides students with a convenient single point-of-access to all critical learning resources and contains detailed information on the course structure including the course overview, learning outcomes, assessment components, subject matter, as well as course introductory video, chunked lesson recordings, audio clips, formative assessments with feedback and more.
Accessible on multiple devices and across various operating systems, it enables students to learn at their own pace anytime, anywhere, even without network connectivity.
To preview some of our award-winning StudyGuides, click here.
* Sharing of Highlights and CoachMe™ features are only available on VitalSource Bookshelf ® online. CoachMe™ is only available on selected StudyGuide.
* Sharing of
Highlights and CoachMe™ features are only available on VitalSource
online. CoachMe™ is only available on selected StudyGuide.
^ All features of VitalSource Bookshelf ® videos
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